The skinny channel coming out of Bigfork.
#FlyMontana #BigforkMontana #flatheadlake
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They lower the lake 10’ in the winter to keep the docks out of the ice and for spring run off.
Wow . Big change in the land scape though out the year. 😎
Is that abnormally low?
Cool pic!
Also known as the Swan River‼️😆
Awesome shot! Startling how it looks from the air.
How I miss the little town it was, that I grew up in ❤️
Grandma’s sister husband ran the horses at GlazerNational in the 30’s and 40’s. Hedman
The lake is always low this time of year ! Wow it is so clear !
nice view
iwas long timeago
Yesterday over the Flathead River and the north east shore of Flathead Lake.
#FlyMontana #FlatheadLake
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Used to love to walk that beach . News year's Day tradition for first walk each year
Makynzie Jo we should go here for your pictures!
beautiful 🤩
Were the shoreline used to be before the damage from erosion. The true size of the waterfowl area.
Great shot!!
Love that view of the lake and mountains. I grew up visiting family there. I LOVE IT! That view of the lake and mountains is forever in my heart🥰
We were there yesterday afternoon with the kids-beautiful day.!
So many fun memories of Somers Beach!!!
Did you fly over Somer’s beach yesterday? I was there with my kids and saw an airplane fly over and thought maybe it was you 😆
I havent heard anymore about them putting the sewer lagoon they want to put in that area, We live in Arlee and wrote in on that proposal...BIG NO!!!
I'm standing in that notch along swan river in this shot 😉
WOW What a FABULOUS shot! thanks for sharing!
I really want to play that golf course
this is sooo beautiful I am sooo homesick now
God's country
2 years ago over the Swan River looking towards the north shore of Flathead Lake.
#FlyMontana #MontanaMoment
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Fun project from last week with Hype's Hot Air Adventures
#FlyMontana #aviationlovers
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Thank you GravityShots for capturing Casey's launch from our beautiful back yard!
I love watching this 😃
I saw that balloon from my property...beautiful!
TBT to smokey summer sunsets over Bad Rock Canyon.
#flymontana #montanamoment
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Last week over Lake Blaine.
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nice pic
Very cool
I spent a lot of time there as a child!
The poor lake is drying up. It used to be a fun place to go.
Where is the camp? And the resort?
My home play ground ❤❤❤
There used to be a really nice public beach on the East side of Lake Blaine.
Grew up there, love it!
Hey Steve and Wendy!
Damn it's low...
Doug Vermulm
The blue bird days are starting to stack up over the 'Big. One more month left in this years ski season.
#FlyMontana #SkiWhitefish #goggletan
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The Really Big!! 👍🏻
Not much snow left in Kalispell.
#kalispell #flymontana
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Not much Kalispell left in Kalispell either
We can complain all we want but we know it’s a cycle. Which means this summer is going to suck eggs.
way too dry too soon 😔
I ready for spring anyway
I love the sunshine but it’s way too soon to be so dry and warm.
Get ready for 2nd or 3rd winter lol
Nope. Another year without much snow.
nice view
Redlodge Montana
Sunshine!!!! (y)
The beginning of March over Stumptown with Glacier Park peaks in the background.
#flymontana #whitefishmontana #stumptown
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There’s truly no better place than home ♥️
Last weekend brought warm temps and calm winds for a local flight looking towards Glacier Park.
#glaciermt #lakemcdonald #flymontana #glacier
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The reflection! Great catch!
Great photo/video! Beautiful!
Beautiful. Remember when it used to have glaciers, though?
The Flathead River is looking pretty green for the beginning of March.
#FlatheadRiver #flymontana
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Where please?
But of course! ☘️
Lots of melt from the warmer weather going on in my neck of the woods in Superior.
I can see my place. Cool
I see the spot I grew up
Not gonna be enough snow for the fish
TBT to 2 years ago over the airport terminal construction.
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I remember when the terminal was pretty much a shed and you picked up your luggage outside. Wish it was still that way
It is inconvenient for some of us
So no more driving right up to the front door to pick me up???? darn! hehehehe!
Allegiant arrival over Columbia Mountain.
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nice pic
I'll be on it come Monday.
Twilight over the ski village.
And a quick plug for Big Mountain Babs 🙂
#flymontana @skiwhitefish #babscamatwhitefish
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beautiful 🤩
Aren't they having some kind of parade on the mtn tomorrow?
Photography has come so far...
Yesterday over Kootenai Falls ... See MoreSee Less
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No AI there. That's the real thing. Beautiful.
A great place to see indeed! ❤️
Awesome video!
Stunningly beautiful.
Awesome video
I was just there yesterday
Beautiful place
A killer shot by the ORIGINAL aerial expert. Nice!
love hiking down the trail to see them in person.
Looks to be pretty accessible right now, yes?
Beautiful and I have been there
This is beautiful!
Man, I miss this...just a drive away from my former home...
Gorgeous love it there
Was just there sunday
Cinematography supreme. It reminds me of an old slomo promo from Cinestar. What ever happened to them? Say hello to Mike if he's still on board.
It’s beautiful, BTW, I had a nice conversation with your grandma yesterday. Nice lady. Your friend too, very nice and spoke highly of you.
My old back yard. Miss it so much
This is unbelievably spectacular raw nature, and its magnificent and beautiful. Thank you for sharing this with all of us!
I’ve been there and loved it!! Absolutely beautiful ❤️🇺🇸🤠
I love Kootenai Falls! So beautiful!
Such a beautiful site to see. Visited last year.
Beautiful video. It is a truly wonderful place.